Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Stop Frame Animation

Last academic year I had a lot of success when using stop frame animation with children. It's not an easy task  - it can be boring and repetitive and very fiddly. However it's so worth getting through all of these niggles because at the end of the process, you have a wonderful film! In fact the process here is incredibly important. The two films I've linked to below took weeks to make. Not all of the time was spent filming and editing though - we had several sessions looking at communication skills, how to work collaboratively with others and on conflict resolution. The children I worked with were referred to our team because they were at risk of exclusion from their schools, and were really struggling. For them to work on a task and see it through to completion was a massive achievement.

Targets for them involved raising self esteem, and after making these films,  that target was certainly achieved! I entered both films in a competition, and both were winners. It is often difficult to measure success in Health and Wellbeing targets, but in these cases feedback from children, parents and class teachers showed that the benefits stayed with the children long after the films were finished, and that the children continued to display much more positive behaviours.
 Not all of the filming I did last year was as labour intensive as these though. I also made a lot of short animated films using 'Go-gos':
I have the advantage of living with my wonderful daughter who has pestered me into buying these at my local newsagent for a couple of years, and therefore have a plentiful supply. These films could easily be completed in one teaching session (usually an hour and a half), and were particularly effective when I was working with children with an additional language to English. My outreach service supports Gypsy Traveller children, and I worked closley with a Roma family last year, who spoke very little English. Making films with the Go Gos enabled the children to learn colours, prepositions and to follow and give directions.
I also made several films using a similar format to a social story, in which children filmed themselves and their peers. Feedback from parents and schools was again very positive. These social story films were designed to be watched again and again, thus reinforcing their message.

I feel in such a privileged position as an outreach teacher. I work with very vulnerable children, and am with them and their families during an important stage of their childhood. Our team work with children who have experienced an interrupted education - either children who are too ill to attend school, Gypsy Traveller Children, Looked After and Accommodated children, excluded children, children at risk of exlusion, any child who is unable to fully access the curriculum in school. I have the advantage of teaching in a very child centred way - that as a class teacher, I could see was necessary but was unable to do as often as I wished to. In other words, the attention seeking children were given the kind of attention they needed in one to one and group sessions. I am able to spend time with children focussing on what we (the child and I) feel is of primary importance. I hope these videos speak for themselves.
I'm planning on posting more videos online, and possibly planning too, if anyone would like to see some, as well as going into more depth about the film making process - today's post has been written in a bit of a rush to be honest! Anyway, enjoy the films.

Toy Story 4 Film

The Dark Neighbourhood Film

NB - Will get these embedded soon, once I've figured out why I can't at the moment

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Preparing for work - the classroom environment

The last week of the summer holiday is approaching, so like most teachers, my thoughts are returning to the world of work. As an outreach teacher, these thoughts become plans and activities quite different to those in my old life as a class teacher.

As a primary teacher, the end of the summer holidays would involve preparing my classroom for the year ahead. A couple of years ago, I'd likely be found in Ikea buying boxes, trays and other bits and bobs with which to organise  my classroom. I'd then be found in school, balancing on step ladders (or more often than not chairs on top of tables) hanging backing paper to the walls and shifting furniture. I'd then arrange and re-arrange the furniture until I was happy with the flow of the room. Admittedly, I did once unwittingly create what one Primary 1 child (let's call him Arthur) considered to be the perfect racetrack around the room, in which he sprinted around the moment he entered the room for the first time. This was swiftly changed, but he did then consider it an obstacle course and it took quite some time for him to realise the purpose of the classroom, and ways to engage with it in other ways. The first solution which worked for a while was involving him in creating his own workstation, which he called his 'office'.
I digress - then there was the always thorny issue of seating arrangements for the start of term. Would this be a class I could have flexible seating for, or would they need the security of their own space? I was lucky in that my last school was in a lovely big Victorian building with huge classrooms, and I was able to be creative with seating, having areas for groups, pairs and individuals to be in. (There are many drawbacks to Victorian schools though, and I won't go into them here). Large expanses of wall were begging to be filled with visual cues, posters and displays. I'd also be undertaking the yearly trawl through and re-organisation of my teaching resources. I'd be creating a lovely big positive discipline display around a theme of some sort, as well as making signs for the different areas of the classroom (which would be replaced by children's ones over the course of the year).  I'd be sticking labels on everything, gathering resources from around school, and pestering colleagues for spare tables and bookcases. Then I'd be planning, planning and planning some more.

Actually that last part hasn't changed; that's where I'm at now. I no longer have a classroom, but visit children in school and at home to support them to fill any gaps in their learning. I still make up materials to aid children with coping in the classroom and returning to school, but make them throughout the year as required, in collaboration with class teachers.

The physical environment is so important, and when right, it can provide security, aid routines, foster creativity and independence and enable a smooth running classroom. (Not literally, Arthur!) The class environment should be welcoming, nurturing and pleasant to be in. It should be conducive to talking and listening, and promote literacy and numeracy. The classroom should meet the needs of the pupils - for example, if there are any visually impaired children, or those with Autistic Spectrum Disorders, then perhaps vibrant displays will be too distracting, and a calming plainer environment would be appropriate. And of course, after the initial teacher set-up, the children should be involved in aspects of the room's design, giving them ownership and the opportunity for creativity. So without a classroom, or having met the teachers of the children I'm supporting yet, or having seen their rooms, why am I working in the holidays?

I'm still preparing for improving the children's physical environment by anticipating the issues the children are likely to have, and to support inclusion. As I know the children already, I'm aware of their needs. Many of the children I'm supporting next term will be requiring visual cues such as pictorial timetables, communication cards and checklists to help with their organisational skills.

So next week, the planning and preparation must begin in earnest. I'll be digging out the laminator and paper trimmer. I'll be buying new ink cartridges for my printer. I'll be writing many, many lists.

And then, I'll maybe think about activities for learning and teaching!